Does your company news belong in your blog?

This is a case when a client chose to go against our recommendations and decided 1 year after their redesign that they should move their news to their blog section.

“Should I combine my company news and my site blog?”

In most situations and for most sites, I would still recommend that company news items are migrated into their blog. But this is totally dependent on their situation, audience preferences, what their content and site goals are, ideal navigation experience and goals, industry, site structure, etc. These things are never one size fits all.

“Even if it’s been a year after the redesign?”

Most of the time, yes. Many times, when content is segregated from the major blog or article center of the site, or resource ‘hub’, these pages often don’t get enough visibility for a variety of reasons, mostly because these content areas become siloed and linking capabilities and integration across the site is then much more difficult. Usually, this is pretty obvious after I take a peek in their analytics and their news posts don’t get a lot of visibility or actions.

Here are a few reasons why I still recommend consolidating company news with your blog:

  • Easier to cross linking capabilities between related or featured news and blog content items, allowing for greater discovery by users (and search engines).
  • Improves user engagement with intuitive navigation.
  • Allows for greater discovery of
  • Helps to connect their content topics across the nuances of their industry, helping to build their semantic web of relevance.
  • Helps to build greater value for the blog subdirectories.
  • Helps better facilitate value sharing between blog posts and news posts.
  • Helps the main blog category build greater equity through link flowing back to it, which in turn also spreads link value to its subsequent blog topic categories, making them more viable competitors in search.

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